by Admin | Jul 3, 2014 | Jardin des Plantes, Luxembourg (Garden of the), Notre Dame, Place de la Contrescarpe, Sorbonne (La) |
Laura – Notre-Dame 3:53 PM – Laura lives in Oklahoma where she is an active member of a group of runners, Runhers, who promotes a healthy and sports life, notably thanks to the running. Program of this afternoon: a discovery of the Paris Left bank. The...
by Admin | Oct 18, 2013 | Cour du Commerce Saint André, Galleries, Galliera (Museum), Invalides, Luxembourg (Garden of the), Orsay (Museum), Panthéon, Tour Eiffel |
Rosalie – Medici Fountain – Luxembourg garden 9:04 AM – With Rosalie, who comes from the beautiful city of Quebec, we made two visits of Paris by running. An important mist covered Paris the first day, making buildings and monuments hardly visible:...
by Admin | Feb 15, 2013 | Alma (Place of the), Luxembourg (Garden of the), Montmartre, Sacré-Coeur, Tour Eiffel, Val de Grace |
Peter – “Place de l’Alma”, far off in the axis of avenue Montaigne, the “Sacré Coeur” on the “Butte Montmartre” 10:09 AM – Peter, who lives in Arhus, Denmark, prepares his next marathon, which will take place in...
by Admin | Sep 22, 2012 | Luxembourg (Garden of the), Observatoire de Paris, Palais Royal, Tuileries, Wall of Philippe August |
Kelly and Scott – Luxembourg gardens 8:59 AM – Kelly and Scott live in New York (USA) and usually run in the magnificent park of Central Park. Today, we discovered some of the superb parks of the center of Paris, the Luxembourg gardens, Tuileries gardens...
by Admin | Jul 6, 2012 | Galeries, Luxembourg (Garden of the), Middle age (Museum), Parc Montsouris, Passage |
Erin and Jaymi – The Fountain of the Four Parts of the World 8:55 AM – With Erin from Miami (USA) and Jaymi from San Francisco (USA), we left the “Porte d’Orléans” at the south end of Paris to run toward the center of the city, cross the...
by Admin | Dec 26, 2011 | Luxembourg (Garden of the), Sénat |
Daniel, Wils – Le Sénat 9:06 AM – With Daniel and Wils of New York (USA), we ran largely on the left bank: the garden of plants, the arena of Lutecia, the Pantheon, street Saint Jacques… On our road, having gone down the Mountain Sainte Geneviève, we...