La Parisienne 2021

La Parisienne 2019

La Parisienne 2019

The first all-women’s race in France: La Parisienne.
With a rather expensive fee for a small distance, 7 km, La Parisienne remains a great party even without the numerous animations that usually take place and that we will not see this year because of the health crisis…
Disguises are welcome, even without a festival this year or a particular theme (in 2019, it was the Far West). Run in a good mood with a course always superb, Eiffel Tower, Invalides, Concorde… magnificent!

Please note, at the time of writing, the start time is not yet known (the “9:30am” indicated in this article is purely indicative).

And why not combine this competition with a sightrunning tour of the city during your stay in Paris by running with authentic Parisian runner guides (warming up some day before the competition or recovering some day after)? Enjoy the best running routes in Paris with an original private tour, tailor-made for you:

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