Mandatory medical certificate

Mandatory medical certificate

If you don’t have a license issued by the French Athletics Federation, to register to a running competition in France, it is absolutely mandatory to provide a medical certificate proving that you are able to run in a running competition and have no...
How to register to a race in France?

How to register to a race in France?

How to register for a race in France? Two main possibilities: It’s a very big race like the Paris Marathon, the 20 km of Paris, Paris-Versailles, etc. The registration is done directly with the organizer site. Fortunately, for these major races, an English...
French running vocabulary

French running vocabulary

🇫🇷 => 🇬🇧🇺🇸 (below: English to French) AB C DE FGH IJKLM NOPQR STUVWXYZ AB Aérobie Aerobic Allure Pace Ampoule Blister Arrivée Finish Bénévole Volunteer Boisson Énergétique Energy drink C CAP Running (CAP=Course à Pied) Cardio Fréquencemètre Cardiofrequencemeter...

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