Au Louvre !

Au Louvre !

In this month of August 2019, we had a wonderful morning with a very friendly New York family who also proved to be very sporty and eager to learn!

Before the tour: very attentive

Before the tour: very attentive


Here, a little Parisian sister ;)

Here, a little Parisian sister ;)


What a pleasure to run in one of the splendid parks of Paris

What a pleasure to run in one of the splendid parks of Paris


After the tour: more than 8 km and not even tired!

After the tour: more than 8 km and not even tired!



Thank you Nicole for coming back to run with us and introducing us to Rob, Luca and Parys!

If you too, you come to Paris, we will be very happy to run with you. Join us and discover Paris with authentic Parisians guides who will take you on the best sight running routes in Paris and who always have tons of secrets to share with you:

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