Paris Marathon 2022

Paris Marathon 2022

No Paris Marathon in 2020 because of the health crisis… The joy of finding it in the fall of 2021 and in 2022, the marathon returns to a more usual date, early April! It remains the marathon of the year! At least for me, passionate Parisian 😉. This will be my...
Paris Marathon 2021

Paris Marathon 2021

No Paris Marathon in 2020 because of the health crisis… what a pleasure to see it again in autumn 2021! In October, the weather should not be too hot, which can happen in April, the month when the Paris Marathon is usually run (by the way, registrations for the...
Paris Marathon 2019

Paris Marathon 2019

The marathon of the year! At least for me, a passionate Parisian 😉. This will be my 24th Paris Marathon, run continuously since 1996. Rumours indicate that the route could be different this year (passage by the Opera?)… on the day we write these lines, the...
Paris Marathon 2018

Paris Marathon 2018

The MARATHON OF PARIS! The event of the year for many runners. A beautiful visit of the capital! Go down the “Champs Elysées”, cross the “place de la Concorde”, go along street of Rivoli and the Louvre, greet the Genius of the Bastille, join...
Running races in Paris – The blog

Running races in Paris – The blog

Happy New Year 2018! A new year for the races in Paris and a new dedicated blog At Paris Running Tours, we love Paris passionately, we love running passionately. That is why we created Paris Running Tours to share our passions with runners from all over the world,...

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