Sunday 20/1/13 – 9:30 AM – Les 10 km du 14è (10K of the 14th)
Race postponed to the Sunday 24/2/2013 prt
The first competition of the year which find the runners impatient to rerun after the holidays. A flat circuit convenient to the performance… 1742 finishers in 2012.
(“14è” means “quatorzième arrondissement” = Fourteenth arrondissement = 14th Paris administrative district)

Sunday 27/1/13 – 9:30 AM – “Les Foulées du 8è” – 10 km prt
A little hilly race in the beautiful district of the 8th arrondissement with a start “Church” Saint-Augustin, passage in front of the Parc Monceau, strides avenue of Friedland with the Arc de Triomphe in sights and an arrival to the feet of Joan of Arc! Nearly 1400 finishers in 2012.
(“Les Foulées du 8è” means “the Strides of the 8th arrondissement”)

Saturday 16/2/13 – 10:30 AM – La Course de la Saint Valentin – 10 km prt
5 buckles of the beautiful and hilly park of the Buttes Chaumont (Buttes means mounds!), down hill, up hill, down hill, up hill, 5 times! Very good atmosphere for this race organized by the Paris Front Runners. Diversity, tolerance and heat, in spite of the cold of February! 281 finishers in 2012.
(“La Course de la Saint Valentin” means the race of the Valentine Day)

Sunday 24/2/13 – 9h30 – 10 km du 14è (initially planned in January)
Sunday 3/3/13 – 10:00 AM – Paris Half-Marathon – 21.1 km
The “SEMI-MARATHON de Paris”! International race. Half of a marathon to visit the East of Paris: Wood of Vincennes, Avenue Daumesnil, “Quai des Célestins”, “Hôtel de Ville”, Bastille, Faubourg Saint-Antoine… About 25,000 finishers.

Saturday 9/3/13 – 2:30 PM – Foulées du Tertre – 10 km prt
A folk and “mountainous” race on the mound Montmartre. Route passing in front of the Sacred Heart and the “place du Tertre”, and through the sloping streets of the “commune” of Montmartre. All this in the middle of the afternoon and tourists! 561 finishers in 2012.
Sunday 7/4/13 – 8:45 AM – Paris Marathon – 42.195 km (26.2 mi)
The MARATHON OF PARIS! The event of the year for many runners. A beautiful visit of the capital! Go down the “Champs Elysées” (Careful, not too fast, it is only the beginning), cross the “place de la Concorde”, go along street of Rivoli and pass in front of the “Palais Royal” and the Louvre, greet the Genius of the Bastille, join the Castle and the Wood of Vincennes, return and join the West by way of the river Seine banks and admire the Conciergerie, then the Eiffel Tower, join Roland Garros’ courts, discover the very green Wood of Boulogne and cross the finishing line on the avenue Foch with the Arc de Triomphe in front of you! Phew! What a beautiful stroll! 32 980 finishers in 2012. Bibs for 2013 = 46,000 !

Sunday 28/4/13 – 10:00 AM – 10km du Bois de Boulogne – 10 km prt
After the Paris marathon, back to the “Bois de Boulogne” (wood of Boulogne) for a flat 10K in the middle of the greenery (able to do some performances only three weeks after the marathon?). 2374 finishers in 2012


Sunday 19/5/13 – 10:30 AM – “Courir Ensemble” (Running together) – Handicap International – 10 km prt
Everything is in the title: “Run together”, valid and disabled. A very good atmosphere. Event organized by Handicap International. Among the numerous proposed races, a flat 10K, again in the Wood of Boulogne, magnificent in May! 1512 finishers for the 10K.

Sunday 19/5/13 – 9:00 AM – 10km du 19ème – 10 km prt
A beautiful “arrondissement” race. Even if it is hilly because of the passage by the Buttes Chaumont, it is a very competitive race. It is a pity this year, it happens at the same day as the “Courir Ensemble” 10K. How to choose? 825 finishers in 2012.

Sunday 9/6/13 – 10:00 AM – La Course du Château (The Castle race) – 10 km prt
In June and in July, it is, this time, in the other Wood of Paris that take place the competitions: the race of the Castle, the “foulées du 12ème” as well as the “Foulées France des Iles” take place in the very beautiful Wood of Vincennes.
The “Course du Château” starts and returns to the magnificent Castle of Vincennes, with arrival in the Castle on a red carpet! Route flat and convenient to the performance. 3478 finishers in 2012.


Sunday 16/6/13 – 9h45 – Les Foulées du 12ème – 10 km prt
This race takes place in the Wood of Vincennes and ends in a place formerly famous, the stadium of the Cipale velodrome. It was of use to the Olympics of 1900 and 1924 as well as to the Tour de France from 1967 till 1974. This 10 km refreshes the stadium with beautiful performances. 810 finishers in 2012.


Sunday 23/6/13 – 10:00 AM – Les 10 km de l’Equipe – 10 km
Race organized by ASO who also manages half marathon and marathon of Paris. Under the banner of the sports newspaper “L’Equipe”. Route running in the beautiful places, the avenues and the boulevards of the east of Paris. 7979 finishers in 2012.

Sunday 7/7/13 – 10:00 AM – Foulées France des Iles – 10 km prt
It is summer! With these Strides, find the festive atmosphere of French Antilles (Punch on arrival!). In spite of the heat of July, Wood of Vincennes shaded paths as well as a flat route allow a good speed. 1023 finishers for the 10 km in 2012.

Sunday 15/9/13 – 9h45 – La Parisienne – 6 km
It became a very classical race, “The Parisian (Lady)”, a race exclusively reserved for the women, a beautiful feast around the Eiffel Tower. 23 510 finishers in 2012.

Sunday 29/9/13 – 10:00 AM – Paris-Versailles – 16 km
One of the most famous races. Start at the Eiffel Tower and arrival in front of the Palace of Versailles with in the middle, the famous “Côte des gardes”: going up hill for about 2 km… 21 620 finishers in 2012.

Sunday 6/10/13 – 10:00 AM – 10km Paris Centre Nike – 10 km prt
Magnificent race in particular for the places which it crosses. Start avenue of the Opera, with the beautiful Garnier Opera in front of the Start, crossing street of Rivoli, in front of the Bourse (former stock exchange building), Place Vendôme and the arrival, Palais Royal place in front of the Louvre. Flat route. 4259 finishers in 2012.

Sunday 13/10/13 – 10:00 AM – Les 20 km de Paris – 20 km
Another big international race. Start on the bridge of Iéna in front of the Eiffel Tower, to begin: a small ascent to the Trocadéro, after, running in the Wood of Boulogne and then the right bank of the Seine up to the “Pont Royal” (Royal bridge) and return left bank to the finish at the Eiffel Tower. 22 792 finishers in 2012

Sunday 20/10/13 – 9:30 AM – Corrida du 15ème (Corrida=race) – 10 km prt
Another nice “arrondissement” race. A very flat 10K. 929 finishers in 2012.

Sunday 17/11/13 – 9:00 AM – 10km du 9ème – 10 km prt
A race with some up-hill parts (street of Clichy, street of the Martyrs), passage in front of “Notre-Dame de Lorette” Church, the “Trinité” Church and at the heart of little Parisian streets of the 9th arrondissement. 615 finishers in 2012.

Sunday 24/11/13 – 10h15 – Boucles du 17ème – 10 km prt
A race to explore the streets of the 17th arrondissement of Paris. A not really flat 10K but all the same competitive. 1371 finishers in 2012.

Besides the presented competitions, you can also participate in the following races. For more information, you can click directly on the name of the race which interests you to go on the organizer’s site:
10/3 Course de la journée internationale de la femme 4, 6 et 10 km
16/3 Eco-trail de Paris 80 km (St-Quentin-en-Yvelines => Tour Eiffel) ou 30 km
24/3 Les foulées de l’Assurance 10 km
14/4 La Solirun 2, 6 et 10 km
5/5 Les Foulées de l’Hôpital Saint-Louis 4 et 8 km
26/5 Paris-Saint Germain En Laye 20 km
30/6 La Francilienne 4, 6 et 10 km
22/9 Les chasseurs de temps 7, 17 et 21 km
29/9 La Course du dodo 6,5 km
29/9 Les courses du Luxembourg 6 et 10 km
5-6/10 Odyssea 5 et 10 km
20/10 Elle et lui 7 km en couple
15/12 Courir pour le plaisir
If you want to make a competition in Paris and if you reserve a tour with us, tell us and we can show you the route and help you to prepare the race (the Paris Marathon, for example). Need advice for these races? Ask us! Of course, if you do not want to participate in a competition and want to enjoy completely a touristic jogging, we are there.
We like the competition and running but we like Paris just as much!
Doing competitions, workouts, touristic joggings (with us 😉 ), trail or even on treadmills, whatever, we wish you to take a lot of pleasure by running! Happy new year! Enjoy 2013!